I often shop online whenever I'm feeling lazy and want to just add a couple new things to my closet. Although it is convenient, I find it less appealing than shopping in stores. This is because the clothes I buy online often do not fit me right or look as good on me in person than when I saw it online. I end up never wearing those clothes and they go to complete waste.
I know many people in my life that are addicted to computer online games. My brother would be the best example. He is a junior in high school, and although it is a very important year for him to do well in school, he spends the majority of his time playing games online. He was so "addicted" to the point where his grades are dropping, and his temper seems to be getting pretty aggressive every time something comes in the way between him and his gaming. Whenever I talk to him while he's playing, he often ignores me or other family members, and has a really bad attitude. It's really obvious that games made a big impact on his life because whenever he's not playing, he is a really patient and caring brother.
My mom tries really hard to get him to stop playing, but most of the time, she fails and he just becomes even more agitated and mean. However, he does acknowledge his own "addiction" which is a sign of improvement.
It seems to be very difficult to end a gaming addiction, and I've seen how badly it damaged many people's lives around me. This internet article: http://www.wired.com/gaming/gamingreviews/news/2001/12/48479 talks about just exactly why and how we can stop the people around us from gaming addictions.
Good example, and I hope he gets over it soon.